How to create smarter CXO Dashboards?

CXO Dashboards

The last decade saw an emergence of data-management functions and chief data officers (CDOs) finding ground – spelling out a clear urgency of managing and discovering through data, as a vital to any company’s success. Executive data dashboards inundated the market with a promise of providing business intelligence to the C-suite executives. Leaders no longer […]

Do’s and don’ts for Dashboard Design

Dashboard Design: Navigating do's and don'ts for optimal usability.

Dashboards are a display of essential, actionable information. Dashboard users perform tasks and make decisions based on this information. A dashboard should display the data it contains appropriately in order to support the user in doing the right action at the right time. Oftentimes the space on a dashboard is limited and the data it […]

CX Design Vs. UX Design

CX Design Vs. UX Design

Over the past years concepts like Customer Experience Design (CX) and User Experience Design (UX) have become increasingly relevant. Oftentimes CX design and UX design are used as interchangeable concepts, which can be confusing and lead to misunderstandings. So what are we talking about when we are talking about UX and CX? Are the two […]

The Future with Voice Experiences

Future voice: Unleashing potential through transformative voice experiences.

We are living in times where we are increasingly surrounded by voice assistants, voice ads, voice notifications, voice search and voice messaging to name a few. But we know that the time for voice has come when we see toddlers and teenagers picking up our phones and saying: ‘OK Google’ what is lego, really? Mohita […]

The tricky equation between UX and Time

Balancing UX and Time: A nuanced interplay in design dynamics.

For centuries, humans have pondered upon the mysteries of time. Philosophers, scientists, artists have postulated theories, designed experiments and created art to explain the eternal conundrum of time. But beyond the various theories that lie before us, have we ever stepped out to understand how to leverage time and its various properties to influence our […]

How to design a Media player?

Player UX Research Article

As users are increasingly consuming entertainment on the go, it is of no doubt that designing a good media player ensures a good user experience. In this article, we explore the history of media players over time and our recommendations to design a good media player. Hari Nallan & Mohita Jaiswal – July 2019 Remember […]

What’s wrong with broadcast UX?

Analyzing broadcast UX flaws: A critical examination.

Is there anything called broadcast UX (at all)? I had been meaning to talk about it for a while now; and I got an opportunity to capture comparable images last weekend (while all top 5 news channels were showing exactly the same content). Hari Nallan – July 2019 For those who hadn’t seen this on […]

UCD Vs. Design Thinking

UCD vs. Design Thinking: Unraveling Approaches to User-Centric Design

Businesses, governments, educational and social institutions alike are asking some common big questions today. How can we navigate the disruptive forces of technology and globalism and create viable solutions which allow us to respond to rapid change? How can these solutions cater to the development of both individuals and societies in general? Hari Nallan & […]

Ed Techs Increasing Focus on UI, UX, Design, and Digital Trends

Increasing focus of EdTech companies on UI, UX, Design and Digital trends

It’s true that you have to keep in mind a wide range of characteristics that impact the design of all educational products, but it is inevitable for companies to have a key focus on the importance of the blend of design and digital trends to create products with an edge. Hari Nallan & Mohita Jaiswal […]

Gamification in education: Why, What and How

Gamification in EdTech

There is no doubt that gamification is a concept that has quite penetrated the education industry. In this article, you will read why, what and how about gamification in education and some fundamental concepts. Mohita Jaiswal –   March 2019 Imagine yourself in a classroom learning about ecosystems. Imagine yourself in a classroom learning about […]