Many businesses are experiencing devastating financial consequences from the pandemic. Past recessions show that controlling costs by improving operational efficiency—a task for which digital solutions are perfectly suited—is more effective in sustaining businesses through financial turbulence than traditional cost-cutting measures alone.
We look at insights for leaders to operationalize this digital migration to build their business and manage their people differently, in the post-pandemic future.
Mohita Jaiswal & Stuti Mazumdar - April 2021

A prerogative for digital design
A sudden and dramatic drop-off in demand, lockdown of physical workspaces and total economic uncertainty, has pushed digital on the agenda of CXOs who were not already prepared. For those who were already set up to work remotely, the focus has shifted to leveraging collaboration technology and tools to maximize workforce productivity and sustain company culture.
Business processes need to be re-evaluated as this situation has turned the supply chain on its head. Digitalization and new ways of working will be indispensable for business longevity and continuity. Those who harness digital technologies to streamline operations and automate manual processes—would be able to focus on revenue-generating activities.
The need of the hour is to migrate their operations and workforce to a virtual environment and strategize towards automation that relies on fewer but more qualified workers and workers who can operate from their homes. In a contactless world, the vast majority of interactions with customers and employees must take place virtually.

Design for the culture of WFH.
New innovations to ensure employee productivity and wellness while working from home are on the rise. From attendance tracking to ensuring productivity and performance, technology and tools are seeing adoption as organizations prepare for a continued work from home policy.
It’s an overarching priority for companies to quickly evolve into forward-thinking enterprises, where design can transform how organizations harness technology and deliver value to both, internal and external stakeholders.
Insight for Designers:
Design products that prioritize usability, accessibility, and learnability so that users adapt to the new tools quickly and with ease.

Strategize UX for Learning Management
Institutions and organizations of all types are trying out digital platforms to stay above water during the pandemic. Online learning management systems are becoming increasingly important to ensure continuity of learning and growth.
Webinars and online training sessions have replaced in-person modes of learning such as seminars and workshops. Online upskilling and learning as a credible alternative is yet to become mainstream among enterprises.
Insight for Designers:
Ensuring learning in an absence of measurement and motivation will be a challenge. Design applications that are delightful, usable, and rewarding.

Experience productivity through Virtual Collaboration
Remote teams are required to be more connected, to improve their communications, and to better align their strategies. Great collaboration results in improved efficiency and increased productivity, but only with the right tools in the first place.
Virtual solutions that support collaboration and synchronicity are finding greater adoption.
For enterprises that relied on physical meetings to collaborate, the shift to virtual platforms for brainstorming, meeting, and collaboration is the new normal.
Insight for Designers:
Design for user experiences that mimic behavior in physical spaces to allow for a seamless transition.

Maximize efficiency through ERP data design
Unpredictability in demand and supply has disrupted supply chains. A weakened supply chain is the biggest business disruption related to COVID-19.
Enterprise resource planning systems are sustaining manufacturing by supporting business continuity and predictability. Manufacturers are turning to ERP systems to mitigate these abrupt changes. Traditional ERP will need to be reinvented to cater to the anticipated growth in e-commerce and the need for flexibility and speed.
Insight for Designers:
Support the function of ERP applications by optimizing the workflows and making the experience to track and manage resources seamlessly.