More about Fly on the wall
This method has its limitations, as it does not allow the researcher to probe or follow up with participants. Frameworks for note taking and methods such as AEIOU can help analyze observational data. Unlike in the case of unfocus groups, note-taking frameworks/structures and tools are crucial to this method. Further, determining the right documentation tools is critical and should be dependent on the environment in which you are exploring. For example, hand notes may be less obvious than documenting with your cell phone. To validate your insights, repeat your Fly On The Wall observation again and/or use other research methods to confirm your data.
Advantages of Fly on the wall
1. Low cost
Fly on the wall is a low cost/effort method to gather qualitative data.
2. Minimal researcher bias
As the researcher is only observing, not verbally probing or intervening during this data collection method, the researchers own biases do not influence the participant’s responses or behavior.
3. Flexible Design
The method places a greater level of flexibility in the hands of the participants. So, the design is flexible as the participants choose fit.
4. Flexible logistics
The observation can be done anywhere, as it is not location specific but participant-specific.
5. People-centered
The main purpose of the research is to get insights about people from observations.
Disadvantages of Fly on the wall
1. Limited and Subjective data
With great emphasis placed at the participant’s end, the data gather would be subjective to the participant. Additionally, the data gathered would be difficult to generalize for a wider audience.
2. Non-adaptive
As the researcher cannot interfere, intervene or verbally probe the participants, any questions that may arise in the mind of the observer would stay with the observer.
3. Limited sensitivity and empathy
By limiting the scope for the observer to connect with participants, fly on the wall method also limits the level of sensitivity and empathy the researcher can feel for the participants.
4. Multiple Observations
To ascertain results or findings, multiple observations may be necessary to arrive at a more accurate conclusion for the research.