How much should you spend on your MVP?

What a stupid question! Can there be an objective answer to it?I was asking myself this question and I went into reflection and introspection modes and there came a few answers. Ofcourse, there can’t be a definite/ specific number that can magically be applied to all projects, but there could be methods to arrive at […]

Fundamental concepts of MVP

Minimum Viable Product: Does it ring a bell? A decade ago, I didn’t hear this as much in my circles… fast forward by a decade and we seem to be living in a MVP world, literally. But before we jump and conclude that MVP is the future of ‘whatever’, let’s understand a bit about the […]

AI Powered Services: A Disruptor Around the Corner

Services have come a long way in the last two decades: From human enabled, personal and intelligent to what we know as services today: self-serviced, cloud hosted and technology powered services. The question I want to raise here is: With the penetration of AI, will those services become bot enabled, personal and intelligent? Hari Nallan […]

UX in the times of AI: Trusting Intelligence

This post is a sequel to an earlier one titled ‘UX in the times of AI: Designing with Bots’. In this post, we will look at a few philosophical aspects of cyber consciousness, collective intelligence or machine intelligence and the design considerations that must be looked at in conjunction with trusting this technology. Hari Nallan […]

UX in the times of AI: Designing with Bots

This is Part 1 of my series on How AI would impact UX and vice versa. This write up covers different facets of chat bots and the resulting experiences. Hari Nallan & Symran Bhue – July 2017 In an Artificially Intelligent world, pairing future-tech and design will result in incredibly innovative products which will transform […]

UID Rollout: The First Step in Leveraging Technology for Healthcare

UID Rollout: First Baby Step Revealed.

Hari Nallan, Cofounder and CEO, Think Design Collaborative Pvt Ltd in an interaction with Ekta Srivastava, HealthTechnology magazine. This interview appeared in Health Technology magazine, in May 2016. Hari Nallan –   May 2016 In your opinion, what role do emerging technologies like Big data play in the current technology adoption for healthcare vertical? With […]