Visit Survey
![Visit Survey](
More about Visit Survey Visit Survey is also called field visit in research. Visit survey is one of the most valuable methods to discover unmet user needs, which sets the design direction for the project. Some research teams shy away from visit surveys because of the assumption that the researcher involved must be an expert […]
Guided Tour
![Guided survey](
More about Guided Tour Guided tours are best conducted one-on-one to pay close attention to every implicit and explicit detail suggested by the guide. The researcher can take pictures, notes, and record audio as well as videos to document the guided tour. Certain visual cues such as where items are kept, how are things organized, […]
Task Analysis
![Task Analysis](
More about Task Analysis Task analysis can be used in a number of situations such as when we are designing a website, when we want to test a prototype and task analysis can also be part of user testing/validation. It is important that task analysis is performed during or before the design phase so that […]
Business Model Canvas
![Business Model Canvas](
More about Business Model Canvas The business model canvas is more of a framework than a design method. This framework guides efforts in two ways: One can develop prototype models for the business and test to check whether the business actually creates, delivers and captures value as intended. One can understand, design and collaboratively innovate […]
More about Ethnography Ethnography can be a tricky method to define. Some may wonder about the differences between Ethnography and other observational methods. Most observation-based methods involve the researcher observing the behavior of a group, listening to the group, asking questions and recording the sessions. But what distinguishes ethnography is that it tries to create […]
Participatory Design
![Participatory design](
More about Participatory design Traditionally, customers have believed that design involves a very passive contribution from their end and the main actor that is the designer. Some design methods do allow the users to contribute extensively to research but the design is majorly left to the designers. Additionally, most design methods allow the designer or […]
![Brain storming](
More about Brainstorming Usually, brainstorming is a qualitative research method performed with the objective of generating as many fresh and creative ideas as possible, collectively from the participants. Furthermore, brainstorming can be both structured or unstructured and can be part of a workshop, a focus group or an unfocus group. Depending on the format chosen, […]
More about Workshop In the 80’s whenever someone used the word workshop, they meant a place where things were made or repaired. Today, workshops imply a group format where people learn, perform collective problem-solving, brainstorm, or innovate. Workshops are also an effective tool to evoke learning & development of the employees of an organization. It […]