
More about Diagnosis in User and Design Research Diagnosis is a problem solving research design that consists mainly: Detection of symptoms Evaluating the symptoms Diagnosis or possible explanation of the problem Solution for the problem and Suggestion for the problem solution When talking about rational thinking, analysis and diagnosis, a name that comes up most […]
Retrospective Probing

More about Retrospective Probing User Feedback plays a very important role in improving the User Experience of a product or service. Without data about user behavior or experience either through observation, a questionnaire or probing, one can never know whether the product fulfills user needs or whether it must be altered to improve user experience. […]
Concurrent Probing

More about Concurrent probing In contextual inquiry, the participants are asked to perform tasks, as they would normally do in their natural environment, at their natural pace and following the natural steps to complete the tasks. While doing so, they would talk out loud describing the process and play an active role in the session […]
Tree Test

More about Tree testing Tree testing is normally conducted early on in the design process using online tools like Treejack. Tree testing can be accompanied by card sorting and other research methods to confirm findings. The exercise is usually short and lasts for 20 mins on an average wherein the user is asked to perform […]
Contextual Inquiry

More about Contextual inquiry The dynamic of interviews and group discussion is more familiar to participants, who take a more passive role, sitting back and waiting to answer a researcher’s questions. In contrast, a contextual inquiry requires participants to take the position of a subject matter expert, leading the session by demonstrating and talking about […]
Word Concept Association

More about Word concept association In this method, disconnected concepts or ideas are shown to the participants either in the form of visuals or words, using flash cards or expressed through words spoken out loud. These words are called stimuli words. The participants respond with the first word that comes to their mind. Through Word […]
Personal Inventory

More about Personal inventory When studying people and their relationships with objects around them, researchers look at answering the kind of questions that are listed below – How does the sample group use the objects or products around them? Do some products take preference? Are the individuals from the sample conversant with technology? Do digital […]
Dyads & Triads

More about Dyads & Triads Dyads and Triads are characterized as small social networks. This allows the facilitator to delve into dissimilar opinions within the same organization and to appreciate different perspectives within the same group of people (it often gives a detailed look at the good and bad points of a particular purchase decision). […]
Five Whys

More about Five whys The beauty of the tool is in its simplicity. Not only is it universally applicable, it also ensures that you don’t move to action straight away without fully considering whether the reason you’ve identified really is the cause of the problem. Of course, it may take seven or sometimes even three […]
User Testing/ Validation

More about User Testing or Validation The primary question that user-testing answers is whether the user encounters any issues when interacting with an unfinished or finished product or service. What is the utility that a user sees in the product or service? Is the user journey seamless or full of disruptions? Does the product or […]