Agility Transfora: A 360° enterprise management platform

Challenge The intention was to replace the existing on-premise product that Agility was using internally and make it cloud-based, open to all the organizations around the world based on a subscription plan. Business processes across sectors and functions become inefficient with growing manual interactions, slow issue resolutions, inflexible and unresponsive systems. A 360° enterprise management […]
GE Configurator: Defining workflows for a fortune company

Challenge The existing platform was challenged with a non-real time disconnected process which was not responsive. A reliable responsive and context-driven solution needed to be put in place which could empower users at any time, through any device.The leadership at GE envisioned a world where their customers and their systems could interact seamlessly and needed […]
Analyttica TreasureHunt: An intelligence marketplace

The Challenge The main challenge was to come to a common understanding across the board that involved designers, engineers, innovators and business owners. The idea of User Centered Design and how it can create value to an already innovative idea took time to establish.Thereafter, concepts of User Experience were clearly articulated and absorbed by the […]
Zafin Analytics: Data Design for financial institutions

Challenge The current portal was challenged with insufficient user engagement and necessitated a UI that generates interest, integrates navigation which is seamless and information gets presented in a way which allows users to make decisions and prioritize their data. Zafin’s leadership envisioned to create an intuitive and data-driven dashboard which helps users to make informed […]
Roamware: Predictive Roaming Analytics for Telecom Providers

Challenge Mobelium approached Think Design with a unique challenge to develop a new and intuitive Roaming Business Intelligence and Analytics Tool, which was compatible across different platforms – Web, Tablet & Mobile. In order to promote roaming services with maximum impact, there existed a necessity to identify sources of loss which could help in monetization […]
Engagedly: Insight led product proposition

The Challenge Employee engagement platform is an oxymoron… they hardly engage employees. The key challenge was to come up with ideas and strategies that will engage employees genuinely that will lead to better performance and loyalty to employer brand.Engagement portals usually are seen as “another of several IT initiatives” that deserve to be ignored. How […]
Linchpin app: Enterprise learning, made engaging and fun

Challenge Most of the enterprises have invested in a host of learning platforms and applications, however, the rate of adoption is very poor. While a few of the employees find them boring, a few other see it as another of several IT initiatives that is meant to be ignored.When we looked at this problem from […]
Globetouch Connect : Driving seamless global connectivity

The Challenge The goal of the leadership at Globetouch was to provide an M2M common services platform in the ecosystem, which could seamlessly support 2G, UMTS and LTERAN technologies provided by MNO or MVNE network. The current challenges included reducing the information overload on the platform, providing multilingual support at user level and providing a […]
Dr. Reddy’s: Vendor engagement portal that delivers trust

The Challenge Dr. Reddy’s Vikreta Connect portal was conceptualized as a responsive vendor engagement portal that helps bridge the communication gap and builds trust to fulfill a mission to improve stakeholder engagement through one-of-a-kind new age platform. DRL team wanted to optimize their existing processes and automate all their supply chain transactions through appropriate customization […]
Sun Pharma Genie: Internal employee portal to engage and delight

Challenge Sun Pharma envisaged to be positioned as a brand that was contemporary, collaborative and provides an engagement platform for its employees which was both simple, intuitive and seamless. Think Design needed to design a seamless experience for the existing intranet portal which not only enhances usability but also meets the new standards of a […]